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Christian Pilgrim Tour (7 Days)

Tour Overview

Its oldest parts date back to the 14th century with the main building having been rebuilt in the late 16th century after being destroyed by an earthquake. The church is built in the style of Armenian or Georgian architecture with a bell tower and a cylindrical tower with a conical roof though archways featuring stalactite work are reminiscent of Persian mosque architecture. The exquisitely preserved exterior reliefs feature religious imagery such as angels and Armenian crosses.

Church of St. Stephanos

Its oldest parts date back to the 14th century with the main building having been rebuilt in the late 16th century after being destroyed by an earthquake. The church is built in the style of Armenian or Georgian architecture with a bell tower and a cylindrical tower with a conical roof though archways featuring stalactite work are reminiscent of Persian mosque architecture. The exquisitely preserved exterior reliefs feature religious imagery such as angels and Armenian crosses.

Armenians Gather in Iran to Pay Homage to St. Tadeos
More than 15000 Armenians from Iran and other countries gathered in July to hold a glorious religious ceremony led by their spirtual leader Jasliq Aram I in the Qareh Kelissa,or the Saint Tadeos Church.

Qara Kilisa

The history of the church can be traced back to the advent of Christianity in the first century, when religious missionaries were dispatched to the countries across the globe to disseminate the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The church’s present structure was built some time between the fourth and sixth centuries AD to enshrine the martyred Saint Thaddeus burial place.

Evangelical Presbyterian Church

The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Iran developed out of the work of American Presbyterian and Congregational missionaries, the first of whom came to Iran in 1834. The work started among the Assyrian Christians (Assyrian Church of the East) of Urumia (Rezaieh) district in north-west Iran. The hope was that the old churches of the East might be revitalized so that once again, as in the Middle Ages, they would become powerful and zealous agents of mission.

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