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Iran is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a history of thousands of years and is known for stunning beauty. There are magnificent monuments such as Persepolis, and the natural beauty of the country such as mangrove forests has become one of the most important tourist destinations. You enter a world of dramatic fortresses, ornate palaces with amazing  gardens,  archaeological and cultural gems. In short you will see different cultures and religions and experience Iranian hospitality.


 Iran is located in southwestern Asia, largely on a high plateau situated between the Caspian Sea to the north and the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the south. Iran is a multiethnic, multicultural society that approximately half of the population speaks Persian or Farsi, that is one of the world’s oldest languages, still in use today, which is a branch of the Indo-European family of languages and is known to have one of the most powerful literary traditions and potentials. Persian poetry with masterpieces of Saadi, Hafiz, Rumi and Omar Khayyam is well known around the world.  The rest of the population speaks languages drawn from Indo-European, Ural-Altaic (Turkic), or Semitic language families. The principal non-Persian Indo-European speakers include Kurds, Lurs, Baluchis, and Armenians, making up approximately 15 percent of the population. 

The Iranian nation is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world. In the 6th century BC, the first Persian Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great, only for it to be overthrown by Alexander the Great some 200 years later, giving way to a long chain of invasions from Turks, Arabs and Mongols, among others. Islam arrived in the 7th century. Now the country known as Iran was known as Persia for hundreds of years and has been occupied by people for many centuries. 

Culture and art :

 In fact culture and art are two close interwoven human civilizations. Persian exquisite carpets, subtle soulful classic music, outstanding tile work of unique blue mosques, old influential architectural style  that the Iranian architecture provides it’s inhabitants and visitors with a great variety which can be understood from both structural and aesthetic points of view. It has developed gradually as well as naturally out of prior traditions and experiences , and countless brilliant literary works are famous in the world. 

Food can reveal hidden aspects of a country’s history Persian cuisine combines with Persian culture, deserves to be uncovered and is as old as it’s history. Persian food is delicate but truly sophisticated with very elaborate and rare spices and flavors. Persian dishes are mild, not very hot and most of them have a sweet and sour taste.  Persian recipes vary in ingredients and ways of cooking, from the sweet taste to sour and spicy. The typical Persian dish features a combination of rice with meat which can be lamb, chicken or fish along with onion, vegetables, herbs and nuts Most dishes which based on rice, come with significant example of an extraordinary dish “khoresht” stew. The way they welcome their guests are usually served with tea and fruit before meals and it’s a part of their hospitality.