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The combined historic-natural axis of Isfahan is with no doubt the most significant urban structure in Iran that was planned in Seventieth Century – in continuation of the organic structure shaped in previous centuries – and has influenced and guided the growth of the city during the past 400 years.
The First axis consists of five sections:
1. The bazaar stretching about 2500 meters from Toghchi Gate to Naghsh-e-Jahan Square;
2. The Safavid Court Quarter 500 meters Length from Naghsh-e-Jahan Square to the beginning of Chahar Bagh;
3. The Abbasid Chahar Bagh with an approximately 1500 meters length, from Dowlat Gate to the Zayandeh – Roud River;
4. Si-o-se-pol Bridge, 400 meter Length (over the width of the river, along the axis); and
5. Upper Chahar Bagh with 1500 meter length from Zayandeh Roud to Hezar Jarib Garden (presently Isfahan University Campus).
Thus, the length of this man-made axis is totally 6400 meters.
The Second axis consists of the Zayandeh – Roud river in between historic bridges of Marnan and Shahrestan with an approximate length of 8000 meters and width of 300 meters. For depicting the combined historic–natural axis of Isfahan an area of 340 hectares including 1320 parcels (registered plots) is allocated where over 220 historic buildings with excellent or distinguished values (such as mosques, caravansaries, schools, public baths and …) as well as several complexes with authentic historic composition are located.
For this area, a Primary Buffer Zone of 440 hectares (including 4780 plots) and a Secondry Buffer Zone of 385 hectares (including 8500 plots) are designated.